Name (First Name, Last Initial)
Xenith L
Book Title
harry potter and the sorcerers stone
j.k. Rowling
What is the setting of the book?
Who is/are the main character(s)? What are they like?
harry potter: confused
hermionie granger: smart
ron weasly :funny
What is the conflict of the story?
someone wants to steal the stone
What was the conclusion of the book?
no one stole the stone 😀
While reading the book, what were your emotions?
sus (suspicious)
Do you think the book had a moral? If so, what was it?
dont be anything like draco malfoy. he is a absolute poo poo head stinky face
Star Rating
Selected Value: 10 (0 min / 10 max)
Why did you give the book this rating?
What was your favorite/least favorite part?
he beats Voldemort again
Would you recommend this book to others? Why?
super great book
How much action was in the book?
Selected Value: 10 (0 min / 10 max)
How much drama was in the book?
Selected Value: 9 (0 min / 10 max)
How much humor was in the book?
Selected Value: 9 (0 min / 10 max)
How much suspense was in the book?
Selected Value: 9 (0 min / 10 max)
Book Report: harry potter and the sorcerers stone