This week, a few of the Muons went off to finish filming their Hero’s Journey. Thanks to Chris for serving as videographer for two weeks in a row! The rest broke into groups to work on a co-op themed mad
Weekly Summary: Hero’s journey (continued) – Muons – Language Arts

In week 2 of 3 studying The Hero’s Journey, the Muons took advantage of the beautiful weather and went for a hike. Erin found a really handy story-starter template, which the Muons worked on in small groups once we found
Weekly Summary: The Hero’s Journey – Muons – Language Arts
For the next two weeks, we will be discussing “The Hero’s Journey” and how a similar framework can be found in many of our favorite hero stories. To begin, we broke into groups and took turns striking heroic poses. Then,
Weekly Summary: Air Dry Clay – Muons – Art
We are continuing our clay exploration by using air dry clay instead of ceramic clay. Each Muon was given a portion of clay to freely sculpt, roll, slap, wet, and shape in any way they liked. As they worked we
Weekly Summary: Collaborative Art – Muons – Art
This week we focused on team work, collaboration and creativity. Each group of students had the opportunity to create a 2-d project on paper using varying mediums from crayon to sharpie and paint. There was an opportunity to work on
Weekly Summary: Book spine poetry – Muons – Language Arts

Today we worked on book spine poetry with books contributed by most if not all of the Muons. The idea is to create poems using book titles. It was hard for some of us to get going, but we did
Weekly Summary: Poetry – Muons – Language Arts
Today we worked on poetry appreciation by reading 3 poems, “My Device”, “I Want a Dog”, and “I’m Not Hungry Anymore” from the book: No More Poems!: A Book of Verse That Just Gets Worse. We discussed our emotional responses
Weekly Summary: Clay in a bag – Muons – Art
The big block of clay was in a bag and placed in the center of our space. Muons were invited to pick up the bag as we went around the circle talking about any experience with clay we may have
Weekly Summary: Skulduggery and Mad-libs – Muons – Language Arts

We broke into small groups to work on mad-libs today. We had happiness roasting over a campfire, George Washington threatening to take his image off the quarter, and a tour of a university offering scholarships to symmetrical students. It was
Weekly Summary: Cardiovascular system weeks 2 and 3 – Muons – Anatomy & Physiology
I’m late with last week’s summary – my apologies! For the past two weeks we have explored the cardiovascular system. We learned how blood moves through the heart, how the heart gets its blood supply, and how the heart beats