Name (First Name, Last Initial)
Marcel Z
Book Title
Dragon Masters: song of the poison dragon
Tracey West
What is the setting of the book?
The book takes place in a kingdom of Bracken.
Who is/are the main character(s)? What are they like?
Drake and Worm, Ana and Kepri, Bo and Shu, Rori and Vulcan and now Petra and Zera.
What is the conflict of the story?
In this book we meet Petra. She is the newest dragon master and she is paired up with hydra. It isn’t easy for Petra and hydra to become a team. Petra struggles and she thinks the dragon stone chose her by mistake. Hydra dragon poisons King Roland who rules Bracken.
What was the conclusion of the book?
Petra and her dragon save the day. Hydra sang a song that lifted the poison and healed king Roland. Petra also finally named her dragon– Zera.
While reading the book, what were your emotions?
I was a little nervous reading the book. I didn’t know what was going to happen next.
Do you think the book had a moral? If so, what was it?
No moral.
Star Rating
Selected Value: 10 (0 min / 10 max)
Why did you give the book this rating?
It is a good series.
What was your favorite/least favorite part?
I didn’t have any favorite or least favorite parts. This entire book was good.
Would you recommend this book to others? Why?
Yes, I’d recommend this book to others.
How much action was in the book?
Selected Value: 9 (0 min / 10 max)
How much drama was in the book?
Selected Value: 10 (0 min / 10 max)
How much humor was in the book?
Selected Value: 2 (0 min / 10 max)
How much suspense was in the book?
Selected Value: 7 (0 min / 10 max)
Book Report: Dragon Masters: song of the poison dragon