We began with “I’m Trying to Love Rocks” by Bethany Barton. It was a really cute book, and it gave us a little more information about how we can identify rocks. Then we broke up into 3 groups and each group received a bag of various rocks and a bingo board. They needed to Identify each rock based on the qualities listed such as “white rock,” or “shiny rock” to more difficult ones like “sedimentary”and “metamorphic.” They were able to use various rocks and minerals books to identify each type of specimen. They actually zipped through this much more quickly than I anticipated. So, then they were able to check the work of their peers and have some healthy debate about why they thought each rock was classified the way it was. We ended up having a little extra time to get back outside and start gym a little early (thanks Chris and Olga).
They seem to be very interested in rocks and minerals. I am not sure how long we want to keep this theme going, but if it isn’t broken… My family just started reading “Egg Marks the Spot: A Skunk and Badger Story” by Amy Timberlake. I know a few other Quark families are also reading it. Badger is a geologist so it goes with the rock theme. We were thinking we could maybe do a field trip later in the month to the Lizzadro Museum. Maybe do a little book club party too celebrate reading the book. No pressure and no need to add this in if it doesn’t fit your homeschool life. But, could be a fun way to incorporate literature, science and a field trip/party into our rock studies. Below is a link to the museum website it looks like children tour groups are $5 per person. I’d be happy to set something up if there is interest.