Book Report: Ragweed & Poppy

While Poppy was daydreaming, she wandered into a trap and tripped on the switch to shut her in. They have to get Poppy out of the trap, and get out safely from the trouble that the humans are causing. Gray House was for sale, and the family who was renting the nearby cabin was thinking of buying it.

Book Report: Ragweed

Ragweed has a choice of going to Dimwood Forest or to the city, Amperville. When he gets off the train, he is confronted by the cat Silversides, president of F.E.A.R. But a mouse named Clutch (a car part; all of the city mice are named after car parts) saves his life by bringing him into her house, an old car in Mousetown (which is a run-down place in Amperville). Ragweed sees the destruction of one mouse club (where the mice get together and dance), but he starts a new one in an old bookstore that is safe from any attack of cats. So the conflict is about these mice trying to protect their lives from the cats.

Book Report: First Class Murder

Didn’t you read the title?! Murder!

Someone on the train murdered one of the other passengers, Mrs. Daunt. She was very rich, and was traveling with her husband. Some of the other passengers are Mr. Strange, Madame Melinda, Alexander Buri, and the Countess Buri.

Hazel’s father won’t let them solve mysteries, so they have to keep it secret.